Category: Uncategorized

  • Best Python IDEs

    Introduction Only skills do not make a craftsman better than others. A good craftsman equipped with the best tools is more powerful. We the programmers can work faster, smarter and better with better programming tools. In this case Integrated Development Environments (IDE) are the most important ones. Python is a very popular programming language. According…

  • Choosing the Right Programming Language for your Career

    IT industry is always growing. More and more jobs for programmers are being created everyday. Artificial Intelligence and industry automation are replacing human employees with machines, but they cannot replace programmers as they need them to create automation and constantly make them better and smarter. So, if you are planning to pursue your career in…

  • Understanding & Working with Strings in Python 3

    String in Python Computers understand bytes but humans don’t. Machines can read data in binary but humans can’t. So, along with creating data structures for machines, computer scientists created data structures for humans too. Among all types of data in any programming language, string is the most user friendly and best understood by humans with…

  • Effective Ways of Sharing Content

    Content is king. But, it is not worth writing if it is not shared by other people and it no longer can be the king. Sharing does not come automatically even when you have viral content. Actually content does not go viral automatically, it starts getting viral after the initial influx of share. In this…

  • Career In Cyber Security

    Introduction In the current world of automation and competition between human and machine your future is at stake.  So, before you take decision on choosing your career think twice and choose wisely. Millions of people are losing their jobs everyday, newspapers’ horrible stories are not serial-killing now – it’s unemployment and economic collapse. Think twice…

  • The Real Way To Bid For Jobs On Freelancing Sites To Get The Contracts

    Introduction Starting as a freelancer you will hear a lot of fairy tales about bidding on freelancing sites to get the contracts. A quick search on google will bring you a lot of blogs, articles and video tutorials on how to bid on freelancing sites. All of them (yes you have read it right “all”…

  • How To Make Decent Money Writing Articles As A Freelancer

    Introduction A decent earning is possible by writing articles, blog posts, reviews as a freelancer. What I am going to share with you is all from my personal experience and not taken or copy pasted from all online resources. I am writing blog since 2008 at various places. Most of my blogs are non existent…

  • Python 3 Programming Basics

    Python 3 Basics Python is the most trending programming language nowadays. Again, in recent years it is the most wanted programming language. Use of Python ranges from daily life scripting to Artificial Intelligence programming. So, there is no good time than this for learning Python programming language. In this article we will try to learn…

  • How Not To Find Clients As A Freelancer

    Introduction Leaving job and doing freelancing is a global trend now. In a few years around 30 to 40 percent of  the global skilled people will be freelancers. Then obviously you have chosen the path of freelancing or on the way to choose it as your next career path. But when you start your journey…