Content Writer

Professional Content Writer with Proven Track Records – Available for Hire

(Note: This page is pretty old and does not contain recent updates)

Content is king. You have good content, you have quality traffic. And when you have traffic you can do whatever you want with it – make money, monetize by ads, create a community, spread your name, establish a belief, create trust for your company, whatever you want. To get better contents for you website, blog, book, etc. you need to hire a commited and professional author. I can be that guy for you. Don’t forget to send me an introduction email.

Wrting is my passion. I wrote a little story and a poem when I was just a grade one student (as far as my memory goes), I started to write songs two or three grades later. Leave it, they were childish stuffs. I started blogging more than a decade ago. I did not write for profit, fame or anything back then, it was all about passion and teach people what I know, tell them what I believe, talk about social and global problems and all those good things a passionate writer should write about. I have been writing professionally for some years now. I have written for a handful of companies, individuals, friends, and also for myself.

I can write on a variety of topics. Though, from the lists below you might think that I am a technical writer (yes, that is a special speciality of mine due to being a tech professional), I write perfectly on a very long list of topics. Even if you need something that do not have any prior knowledge about, I can give you a perfect piece if you give me the time to study on that for some time. You won’t regret hiring me ever as none regreted before. As I believe in quality over quantity, you will get pieces that will be hard find elsewhere. Again, I am open to suggestions, so you will also be able to add color of your soul in my writing. Engough talk, let’s get back to work.

Here are some examples of my writings. Don’t forget to tell me your opinion through email about my writings.


Java Basics and Intermediate

Java I/O

Network Programming in Java

Java Beyond the Basics

Parsing with Java

Multiprocessing in Java

JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, ES6+

JavaScript Basics & Intermediate


Angular, SPA, Single Page Application, Angular 5+/6+

Project Based Tutorials on Angular (Angular/Angular.js, TypeScript, JavaScript)

In this series of 10 articles I guide the learners to create a to-do single-page-application (SPA). I strat with explaining stuffs, go from simple to complex to completion.

Learn to Develop a Web Framework from Scratch (JavaScript, Node.js)

There are uncountable number of developers in this globe who know how to create applications using framework. But, there are very few of them who know how to create those frameworks. To level up your knowledge way beyond those around you, you should learn how to create a framework. Actually, you need to learn it to earn more knowledge beyond conventional learning. In this series of articles I teach how to develop a web application framework from scratch. It is not a full featured framework, but a very simple one for educational purpose. To see production ready frameworks developed by me take tour to my Github account.

Android, Mobile Application Development




Python Basics

Python Beyond the Basics

Asynchronous Python

Data Visualization with Python

Math & Statistics with Python

Python Network Programming

Python Beyond Advanced

Python Decorators

Database Programming in Python

Lexing, Parsing, Text Processing, Data Processing in Python

Python I/O

Regular Expression in Python

Multiprocessing in Python

Web Application Development with Django (Python, Django, ORM, Templating)




Sysadmin, DevOps, Security, Hacking

WordPress, WordPress Security/Hacking

Understanding Technologies


Career, Career Decisions, Job, Freelaning, Money

Business, Marketing, Internet/Digital Marketing, SEO

Contents in Bangla

Bangla (alternatively Bengali) is my native language. Besides English I like to write contents in Bangla too, but it is not as frequent as English. Below are few samples of my writing in Bangla.

Technical Content in Bangla

Poem in Bangla

Yes, I like to write stories and poems and they are not like anyone. My writings are totally unique. I can say that you will have some good time reading them. I also write stories in English.

Ghost Writing & Credits

I usually do not do ghost writing (ah, this guy is afraid of ghosts) and do not agree to work with if I do not get proper credit of writing. Yes, again, I sometimes like ghosts in movies and like to write as a ghost writer. But, when I write as a ghost (writer) I charge double or triple the normal fee. You are welcome to discuss with me. Heat up your email client, write an email and fire towards my inbox.


I usually write for $300/1k words. It sometimes goes down to $200 and even sometimes $100 depending on the complexity of the writing and depending on how many articles you want each week or month. Let’s do some discussion, but remember that I am not a person of bargain.


Still unsure? Let’s do a paid test before commiting to a long term working relationship.